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How BCTL Meets Educational Standards 
About the Producer and the White Gloves 
Other Films by George Levenson 


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The following description is designed to give you a sense of the style and structure of the video.


The BREAD COMES TO LIFE video begins by showing many of the varieties of bread and the ingredients from which it is made. The story then focuses on a baker who grows wheat in his backyard garden, threshes and mills the grain, and uses the resulting flour to make a loaf of bread in his own kitchen. The film then turns to large-scale bread production: a wheat harvest on a farm, the inside workings of a huge flour mill, and a behind-the-scenes look at a commercial bakery. It concludes with a montage of all kinds of people baking bread and all kinds of creatures – even cows – enjoying it.

Scene by Scene Description

Here is a detailed outline, scene-by-scene, of the style and structure of the film with some sample text and photos.

Bread Galaxy Scene 1 (30 seconds): The film opens with an animation of planet-shaped bread flying through space and zooming in on a lump of pulsating dough. Letters, made out of bread dough, emerge and arrange into the title: BREAD COMES TO LIFE. A hand wearing a white glove enters the frame and picks up one of the letters and lifts it to the camera as Lily Tomlin says "Bread". From here the story unfolds to reveal the entire cycle of the process of creating bread.
Twins & Bread Loaf Scene 2(1.5 minutes): An introduction to the many shapes, types, and sizes of bread, each appearing on screen by themselves or with people as they are named. Sample text: "Thin bread, twin bread. Diced bread, sliced bread. Bread with holes, dinner rolls. Soft squishy fluff bread, hard day-old tough bread".
Stretching Dough Scene 3 (1 minute): The nature of dough and the things you can do with it. Sample text: "Dough is a springy jiggly lump that’s fun to poke and thump. Squish it. Stretch it. Squash it. Squeeze it. Slam it. Toss it."
Yeast Rising Scene 4 (1 minute): The mystery of yeast with very close-up shots of yeast dividing and producing bubbles in expanding dough. Sample text: "Watch that dough stretch and grow as busy yeast doubles and doubles, blowing it up with thousands of bubbles."
Grinding Wheat Scene 5 (1 minute): Grinding wheat into flour followed by a very close-up look at a grain of wheat. Sample text: "Each grain of wheat even looks like the bread we eat".
Sewing Wheat Scene 6 (4 minutes): A white-gloved baker plants, tends, harvests, and threshes wheat in his backyard garden. "When the crop is ripe and old, the stalks are bowed and streaked with gold. And every head of wheat contains many tiny finished grains."
Kneading Dough Scene 7 (4 Minutes): The same baker then "heads for his kitchen with his hands just itchin’ to bring some breads to life." He grinds up his harvested grain into flour and mixes, kneads and bakes it into a loaf of whole wheat bread.
Rolling Dough Scene 8 (5.5 minutes): The story moves to large-scale bread production: "It all begins on farms where nature’s charm fills up fields that yield bushels of wheat." After showing a combine harvesting a large field of wheat, the viewers visit a huge mill that "grinds and sifts a million pounds of flour every twenty four hours." The camera then moves inside a commercial bakery where "all through the night, bakers dressed in white are on the go doing what it takes to make the bread we know."
Young Baker Scene 9 (1 minute): The conclusion shows the extent to which the world is occupied with making bread, the ability of very young people to make it, and how it is food for all kinds of creatures, including cows! Sample text: "Day and night, around the clock, in a story that never stops. … And whatever shape it finally takes, no matter the place where it finally bakes, everyday we are blessed with a mountain of bread. … It’s the staff of life. May all be fed."



©2004-2008, George Levenson